ACTG 1 - Fundamentals of Accounting (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ACTG 21 - Fundamentals of Accounting (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ACTG 22 - Partnership and Corporation Accounting (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AENG 21 - Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AENG 23 - Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AENG 24 - Environmental Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AENG 26 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AENG 4 - Basic Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ALAN 1 - Asian Language 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ALAN 2 - Asian Language 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ALAN 21A - Foreign Language (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ALAN 21B - Mandarin (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ASSE 1 - Assessment of Child Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ASSE 21 - Assessment of Child Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ASSE 22 - Assessment of Children Learning 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AT 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
AT 112 - Internal Combustion Engine Servicing, Repair & Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
AT 113 - Preventive Maintenance & Gas / Diesel Engine Tune-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 121 - Automotive Electrical System Service, Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
AT 122 - Undercahassis Components Servicing, Repairing & Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
AT 123 - Automotive Service Shop Management and Maintenance (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
AT 211 - Automotive Air-conditioning System Servicing Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 212 - Motor Cycle and Small Engine Servicing, Repairing and Maintenance (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 213 - Automotive Body Repair and Substrate Preparation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
AT 221 - Engine Overhauling and Rebuilding (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
AT 222 - Metallic and Solid Color Painting Applications and Techniques (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 223 - Basic Driving (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 311 - Basic Power Conversion System Service, Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AT 312 - Basic Electronics Engine Mngt. System Operation and Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 100 - Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 100A - Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 100A LAB - Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 100A LEC - Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 105 - Driving and Troubleshooting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 105A - Auto Shop Service Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 105A LAB - Auto Shop Service Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 105A LEC - Auto Shop Service Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 110 - On the Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 110A - Body Management and Underchasis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 110A LAB - Body Management and Underchasis (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 110A LEC - Body Management and Underchasis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 115A - Driving (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 115A LAB - Driving (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 115A LEC - Driving (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 120 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
AUTO 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
AUTO 200A - Auto Design Project 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 200B - Auto Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 50 - Automotive Basic Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 50A - Gas Diesel/small Engine/motorcycle Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 50A LAB - Gas/ Diesel/ Small Engine/ Motorcycle Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 50A LEC - Gas/ Diesel/ Small Engine/ Motorcycle Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 50B - Auto Electrical and Electronics System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 50B LAB - Auto Electrical and Electronics System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 50B LEC - Auto Electrical and Electronics System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 55 - Auto Technology I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 55A - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 55B - Engine Overhauling and Performance Testing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 55B LAB - Engine Overhauling and Performance Testing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 55B LEC - Engine Overhauling and Performance Testing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 60 - Auto Technology II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 60A - Diesel Engine and Injection System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 60A LAB - Diesel Engine and Injection System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 60A LEC - Diesel Engine and Injection System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 60B - Basic Driving, Power Train and Underchassis Servicing, Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 65 - Auto Technology III (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 65A - Power Train Conversion System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 65A LAB - Power Train Conversion System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 65A LEC - Power Train Conversion System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 65B - Automotive Air-conditioning and Electrical System Repair and Servicing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 70 - Auto Electricity 1-A (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 70A - Carburetion and Fuel Injection Calibration (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 70A LAB - Carburetion and Fuel Injection Calibration (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 70A LEC - Carburetion and Fuel Injection Calibration (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 70B - Automotive Shop Management, Engine Electronics and Power Conversion Repair Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 75 - Auto Electricity 1-B (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 75A - Car Care Servicing Emission Control and Tune-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 75A LAB - Car Care Servicing Emission Control and Tune-up (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 75A LEC - Car Care Servicing Emission Control and Tune-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 75B - Automotive Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 75B LAB - Automotive Body Repair and Painting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 80 - Auto Underchassis and Power Train (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 80A - Automotive LPG System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 80A LAB - Automotive LPG System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 80A LEC - Automotive LPG System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 85 - Steering, Brakes, Suspension Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 85A - Electronics Engine Management Control System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 85A LAB - Electronics Engine Management Control System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 85A LEC - Electronics Engine Management Control System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 85B - Electronics Engine Management Control System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
AUTO 90 - Auto Electricity II - Advanced Auto Electricity (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 90A - Automotive Air-conditioning System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 90A LAB - Automotive Air-conditioning System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 90A LEC - Automotive Air-conditioning System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
AUTO 95 - Advance Diesel Engine Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
AUTO 95A - Diagnose and Overhaul Diesel Engine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 95A LAB - Diagnose and Overhaul Diesel Engine (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
AUTO 95A LEC - Diagnose and Overhaul Diesel Engine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
BADM 21 - Quantitative Techniques in Business (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BADM 22 - Human Resource Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BADM 23 - Business Law (Obligations and Contracts) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BADM 24 - Operations Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BADM 25 - Good Governance and Social Responsibility (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BCIT 101 - Management Information System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 101 - Biotechniques (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
BIOL 105 - Parasitology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 140 - Human Anatomy and Physiology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 145 - Cell Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 1A - General Biology I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 21 - Genetics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 24 - Bio-Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 2A - General Biology II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 3 - Fundamentals of Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 4 - Fundamentals of Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 50 - Cell Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BIOL 55 - Genetics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BIOL 60 - Biodiversity (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BLAW 21 - Obligation and Contracts (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 1 - Mathematics of Investment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 198 - Feasibility Study (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 199 - OJT/Practicum (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 199A - Practicum Integrated Learning 2 (600 Hours) (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 200 - Thesis/EDP/Case Study (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 200A - Research/EDP Proposal (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 200B - Research/EDP Final Manuscript (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 21 - Basic Microeconomics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 21A - Mathematics of Investment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 22 - Business Statistics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BMGT 22A - Quantitative Techniques in Business (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 23 - Business Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 23A - Human Resource Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 23B - Business Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BMGT 24 - Basic Finance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 24A - Business Law (Obligations and Contracts) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 24B - Business Proposal (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 25 - Income and Business Taxation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 25A - Operations Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 26 - Total Quality Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 26A - International Trade and Agreements (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 27 - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 27A - Good Governance and Social Responsibility (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 28 - Taxation (Income and Taxation) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 29 - Business Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 30 - Strategic Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BMGT 99 - Special Topics in Marketing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BOTA 22 - Plant Physiology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSEE 110 - Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 111 - English for Specific Purposes (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 21 - Introduction to Linguistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 22 - Language Culture and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 23 - Structure of English (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 24 - Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 25 - Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 26 - Language Learning Materials Development (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 27 - Teaching and Assessment of Literature Study (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 28 - Teaching and Assessment of Macroskills (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 29 - Teaching and Assessment of Grammar (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 30 - Speech and Theater Arts (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 31 - Language and Education Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 32 - Children and Adolescent Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 33 - Mythology and Folklore (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 34 - Survey of Philippine Literature in English (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 35 - Survey of Afro-Asian Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 36 - Survey of English and American Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 37 - Contemporary, Popular, and Emergent Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 38 - Literary Criticism (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 39 - Technical Writing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 40 - Campus Journalism (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEE 41 - Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Technology in Secondary Language Education) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 21 - History of Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 22 - College and Advanced Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 23 - Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 24 - Plane and Solid Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 25 - Logic and Set Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 26 - Elementary Statistics and Probability (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 27 - Calculus 1 with Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 28 - Calculus 2 (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 29 - Calculus 3 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 30 - Modern Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 31 - Mathematics of Investment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 32 - Number Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 33 - Linear Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 34 - Advanced Statistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 35 - Problem-Solving, Mathematical Investigations and Modelling (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 36 - Principles and Methods of Teaching Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 37 - Abstract Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 38 - Research in Mathematics (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 39 - Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Instrumentation & Technology in Mathematics) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSEM 40 - Assessment and Evaluation in Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 21 - Genetics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 22 - Cell and Molecular Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 23 - Microbiology and Parasitology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 24 - Anatomy and Physiology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 25 - Inorganic Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 25B - Inorganic Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
BSES 26 - Organic Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
BSES 27 - Biochemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 28 - Analytical Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
BSES 28B - Cell and Molecular Biology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 29 - Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 30 - Fluid Mechanics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 31 - Electricity and Magnetism (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 32 - Waves and Optics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
BSES 33 - Modern Physics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 34 - Earth Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 35 - Astronomy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 36 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 37 - The Teaching of Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 38 - Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 (Science) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 39 - Research in Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSES 40 - Meteorology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 100 - Tourism and Hospitality Service Quality Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 101 - Food and Beverages Service (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 111 - Front Office Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 121 - Sustainable Hospitality Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 131 - Bread and Pastry Production (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
BSHM 141 - Cost Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 151 - Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 161 - Operations Management in Tourism and Hospitality Industry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 199-A - Hospitality Practicum 1-Housekeeping and Food and Beverage (300 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
BSHM 199-B - Practicum 2 - Hotel Operations (600 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 6)
BSHM 21 - Fundamentals in Lodging Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 22 - Kitchen Essentials 7 Basic Food Preparation (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
BSHM 23 - Applied Business Tools and Technologies (GDS) with Lab (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 23 LAB - Applied Business Tools and Technologies (GDS) with Lab (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 23 LEC - Applied Business Tools and Technologies (GDS) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 24 - Supply Chain/Logistics Purchasing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 26 - Bar and Beverage Management w/ Lab (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 27 - Ergonomics & Facilities Planning for the Hospitality Industry (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 28 - Research in Hospitality (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 29 - Introduction to MICE as applied in Hospitality (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
BSHM 50 - Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 55 - Risk Management as Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 60 - Philippine Tourism, Geography and Culture (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 65 - Micro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 70 - Professional Development & Applied Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 75 - Tourism and Hospitality Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 80 - Legal Aspect in Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 85 - Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism and Professional (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BSHM 90 - Enterpreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BTCH 1 - Introduction to Biotechnology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BTEC 21 - Basic Technology I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 3)
BTEC 21 LAB - Basic Technology I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
BTEC 21 LEC - Basic Technology I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BTEC 22 - Basic Technology II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 3)
BTEC 22 LAB - Basic Technology II (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
BTEC 22 LEC - Basic Technology II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BTRM 1 - Principles of Tourism I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
BTRM 2 - Principles of Tourism II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CCTN 50 - Basic Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CENG 21 - Engineering Mechanics (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 22 - Statics of Rigid Bodies (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 22A - Engineering Economy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 23 - Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 23A - Engineering Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 24 - Engineering Economy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 25 - Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 26 - Engineering Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 26B - Strength of Materials (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 28 - Engineering Materials (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CENG 65 - Mechanics of Fluid (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CHEM 1 - General Inorganic Chemistry (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CHEM 12 - Biochemistry for Health Sciences (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CHEM 12A - Biochemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
CHEM 14 - Chemistry for Engineers (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CHEM 14 LAB - Chemistry for Engineers (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CHEM 14 LEC - Chemistry for Engineers (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CHEM 1A - General Chemistry 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CHEM 1B - General Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
CHEM 1C - General Chemistry I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
CHEM 2A - General Chemistry II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CHEM 3C - Organic Chemistry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
CHME 14 - Chemistry for Engineers (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 100 - I/O and Memory Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 101 - Artificial Intelligence with Robotics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 190 - Inspections Trips and Seminars (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 200 - Design Project (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 200A - Design Project (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 200B - Design Project (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 200C - Design Project (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 200D - Design Project (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 21A - Fund. of Comoputer Programming (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 21B - Fund. of Computer and Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 22 - Programming II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 23 - Data Base Management System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 23A - Data Base Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 50 - Safety Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 55 - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 60 - CSO with Assembly Language (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 65 - Logic Circuits and Switching Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 70 - Advanced Logic Circuits Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 75 - Computer Architecture (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 80 - Principles of Communications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 85 - Data Communications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COEN 90 - Microprocessor Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COEN 95 - Computer Networks (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COMP 121 - Information and Communication Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 100 - Artificial Intelligence (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 100A - Automata Theory and Formal Languages (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 101 - Webpage Design and Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 101A - Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 101A LAB - Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 101A LEC - Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 105 - Intelligent Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 105 LAB - Intelligent Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 105 LEC - Intelligent Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 106 - Introduction to Game Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 106 LAB - Introduction to Game Development (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 106 LEC - Introduction to Game Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 110 - Numerical and Symbolic Computation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 110 LAB - Numerical and Symbolic Computation (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 110 LEC - Numerical and Symbolic Computation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 111 - Advanced Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 111B - Modelling Digital Circuits Using Vhdl (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 111C - Internet of Things (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 111C LAB - Internet of Things (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 111C LEC - Internet of Things (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 121 - Data Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 125 - Data Communication and Networking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 126 - Open Source Technology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 131 - Embedded System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 199 - Practicum (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 199A - Practicum (200 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 200A - Undergraduate Thesis (Part I) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 200A-1 - Undergraduate Thesis 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 200B - Undergraduate Thesis (Part 2) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 200B-1 - Undergraduate Thesis 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 200C - Undergraduate Thesis (Part 3) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 21 - CS Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 22 - Fundamentals of Programming/Algorithm (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 23 - Quality, Conciousness and Habit Processes (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 25 - Presentation Skills in IT (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 26 - Professional Ethics Values/Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 50 - Discrete Structures I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 50A - Discrete Structure (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 55 - Computer Programming I (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
COSC 55A - Automata and Language Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 55B - Discrete Structures (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 55C - Discrete Structures II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 60 - Data Structure (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 60A - Digital Logic Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 60A LAB - Digital Logic Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 60A LEC - Digital Logic Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 65 - Data Stucture (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65A - Programming Language (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65A LAB - Programming Language (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65A LEC - Programming Language (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 65B - Programming Language w/ Compiler Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65C - Architecture and Organization (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65C LAB - Architecture and Organization (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 65C LEC - Architecture and Organization (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 70 - Database System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 70A - File Organization (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 70B - Software Engineering 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 75 - Computer Programming II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 75A - Digital Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 75B - Software Engineering II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 75B LAB - Software Engineering II (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 75B LEC - Software Engineering II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 80 - Modeling and Simulation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 80A - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 80A LAB - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 80A LEC - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 85 - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 85A - Numerical Analysis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 85B - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 85C - Networks and Communications (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 85C LAB - Networks and Communications (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 85C LEC - Networks and Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 90 - Design and Analysis of Algorithm (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 95 - Database Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
COSC 95A - Programming Languages (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
COSC 95B - Structure of Programming Languages (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 100 - Computer Networks (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 100 LAB - Computer Networks (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 100 LEC - Computer Networks (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 100A - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 100A LAB - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 100A LEC - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 100B - Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 101 - Embedded Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 101A - Elective Course #1 (Microelectronics) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 101B - Elective Course #1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 105A - Microprocessor Systems for CPE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105A LAB - Microprocessor Systems for CpE (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105A LEC - Microprocessor Systems for CpE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 105B - Microprocessor System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105B LAB - Microprocessor System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105B LEC - Microprocessor System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 105C - Computer Networks and Security (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105C LAB - Computer Networks and Security (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 105C LEC - Computer Networks and Security (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 106 - Project Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 106A - Elective Course #2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 110 - Software Engineering (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 110A - CpE Laws and Professional Practice (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 111 - Microelectronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 111A - Elective Course 3 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 115 - Computer System Architecture (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 115 LAB - Computer Systems Architecture (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 115 LEC - Computer Systems Architecture (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 115A - Introduction to HDL (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 116 - On-line Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 120 - Engineering Ethics & Computer Laws (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 120A - Embedded Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 120A LAB - Embedded Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 120A LEC - Embedded Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 125 - System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 125A - Computer Architecture & Organization (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 125A LAB - Computer Architecture & Organization (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 125A LEC - Computer Architecture & Organization (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 130 - Emerging Technologies in CpE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 135 - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 135 LAB - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 135 LEC - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 140 - CpE Competency (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 190 - Seminars and Field Trips (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 190A - Seminars and Field Trips (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 199 - On-the-Job Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
CPEN 200 - Design Project (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 200A - Design Project (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 200B - CpE Design Project 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 200C - CpE Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 21 - Fundamentals of Computer Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 21A - Programming Logic and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 22 - Information Technology for EE (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 22 LAB - Information Technology for EE (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 22 LEC - Information Technology for EE (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 22A - Information Technology for CpE (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 22A LEC - Information Technology for CpE (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 50 - Computer Hardware Fundamentals (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 50A - Computer Engineering As a Discipline (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 55 - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 55A - Computer Hardware Fundamentals (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 60 - CSO with Assembly Language (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 60A - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 60B - Computer Engineering Drafting and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 65 - Computer Engineering Drafting and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 65A - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 70 - Logic Circuits & Switching Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 70 LAB - Logic Circuits and Switching Theory (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 70 LEC - Logic Circuits and Switching Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 70A - Software Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 75 - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 75 LAB - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 75 LEC - Digital Signal Processing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 75A - Logic Circuits and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
CPEN 75B - Logic Circuits and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 75B LAB - Logic Circuits and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 75B LEC - Logic Circuits and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 80 - Advanced Logic Circuit Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 80 LAB - Advanced Logic Circuit Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 80 LEC - Advanced Logic Circuit Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 80A - Data and Digital Communications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 85 - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 85 LAB - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 85 LEC - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 85A - Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 85A LAB - Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 85A LEC - Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 90 - Data Communications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 90A - Computer Engineering Drafting and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 95 - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 95 LAB - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 95 LEC - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEN 95A - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 95A LAB - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
CPEN 95A LEC - Operating Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
CPEX - Comprehensive Examination for CPE (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
CS 403 - Computer Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CURR 21 - Curriculum Development (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
CVSU 101 - Institutional Orientation (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 21 - Discrete Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 22 - Discrete Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 22A - Advanced Engineering Math (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 22B - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 22B LAB - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 22B LEC - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 22C - Numerical Method and Analysis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 23 - Advance Engineering Math (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 23A - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 23B - Numerical Methods and Analysis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 23B LAB - Numerical Methods and Analysis (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 23B LEC - Numerical Methods and Analysis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 23C - Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 23D - Feedback and Control Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 23D LAB - Feedback and Control Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 23D LEC - Feedback and Control Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 24 - Basic Occupational Health and Safety (bosh) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 24A - Safety Management for CPE (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 24B - Feedback and Control Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
DCEE 24C - Safety Management for EE (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 24D - Feedback and Control Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 25 - Research Method (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 25A - Basic Occupational Health and Safety (BOSH) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 26 - Numerical Methods with Computer Applications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 26 LAB - Numerical Methods with Computer Applications (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 26 LEC - Numerical Methods with Computer Applications (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 26A - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 26B - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCEE 27 - Electromagnetics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCEE 28 - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 101 - Management Information System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 111 - Advanced Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 111 LAB - Advanced Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 111 LEC - Advanced Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 21 - Computer Programming I (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DCIT 21A - Introduction to Computing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 21A LAB - Introduction to Computing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 21A LEC - Introduction to Computing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 22 - Computer Programming II (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DCIT 22A - Computer Programming I (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DCIT 22A LAB - Computer Programming 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
DCIT 22A LEC - Computer Programming 1 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 23 - Discrete Math (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 23A - Computer Programming II (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DCIT 24 - Computer System Organization & Assembly Language (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 24A - Information Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 24A LAB - Information Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 24A LEC - Information Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 25 - Professional Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 25A - Data Structures and Algorithms (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 25A LAB - Data Structures and Algorithms (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 25A LEC - Data Structures and Algorithms (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 26 - Application Development and Emerging Technologies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 26 LAB - Application Development and Emerging Technologies (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 26 LEC - Application Development and Emerging Technologies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 50 - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 50 LAB - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 50 LEC - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 55 - Operating System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 55A - Advanced Database Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 55B - Advanced Database System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 55B LAB - Advanced Database System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 55B LEC - Advanced Database System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 60 - Software Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 60A - Methods of Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 65 - Web Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 65A - Social and Professional Issues (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DCIT 95 - Object Oriented Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DCIT 99 - Inspection Trip and Seminar (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 1 - Introduction to Hospitality Industry (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
DHRM 100 - Supervised Work Experience in Hotel Industry (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 100A - Supervised Work Experience in Hotel Industry (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 105 - Supervised Work Experience in Restaurant Industry (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 105A - Supervised Work Experience in Restaurant Industry (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 110 - Rooms Division Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 2 - Personality Development and Pubic Relation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 3 - Introduction to Tourism (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 4 - Legal Aspects in Hotel and Restaurant (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 5 - Values Education (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 50 - Food Selection, Preparation, Cooking and Service (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 55 - Culinary Arts and Techniques (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 6 - Human Resource Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DHRM 60 - Food Service, Bartending and Waitering (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 65 - Quantity Food Production (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 70 - Food Purchasing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
DHRM 75 - Beverage Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
DHRM 80 - Catering & Banquet Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DHRM 85 - Intro to Work in Hotel & Food Service Institution (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
DHRM 90 - Hotel Cost Control and Analysis (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DHRM 95 - Hotel & Restaurant Facilities Planning (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DRAF 100 - Advance Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 100A - Product Design and Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 100A LAB - Product Design and Development (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 100A LEC - Product Design and Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 105 - Cad Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 105A - Basic CAD Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 105A LAB - Basic CAD Programming (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 105A LEC - Basic CAD Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
DRAF 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
DRAF 200A - DRAF Design Project 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 200B - Draf Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
DRAF 50 - Technical Drafting I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 50 LAB - Technical Drafting I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 50 LEC - Technical Drafting I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 55 - Landscape Architecture/Landscaping (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 55A - Basic Architectural Plan Drawing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 55A LAB - Basic Architectural Plan Drawing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 55A LEC - Basic Architectural Plan Drawing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 60 - Mechanical Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 60 LAB - Mechanical Drafting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 60 LEC - Mechanical Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 65 - Basic Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 65A - Introduction to AUTOCAD (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 65A LAB - Introduction to AUTOCAD (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 65A LEC - Introduction to AUTOCAD (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 70 - Architectural Drafting-Residential (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 70A - Architectural Drafting-Residential (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 70A LAB - Architectural Drafting-residential (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 70A LEC - Architectural Drafting-residential (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 75 - Standard Drawing Sheets, Layouts & Sizes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 75A - Basic AUTOCAD (2D Application) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 75A LAB - Basic AUTOCAD (2D Application) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 75A LEC - Basic AUTOCAD (2D Application) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 80 - Architectural Drafting-Commercial (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 80 LAB - Architectural Drafting-Commercial (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 80 LEC - Architectural Drafting-commercial (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 85 - Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 85A - Intermediate CAD (3D) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 85A LAB - Intermediate CAD (3D) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 85A LEC - Intermediate CAD (3D) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 90 - Machine Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 90 LAB - Machine Drafting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAF 90 LEC - Machine Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAF 95 - Industrial Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 95A - Advanced Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 95A LAB - Advanced Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAF 95A LEC - Advanced Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAFT 100 - Advance Computer Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAFT 105 - CAD Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAFT 80 - Architectural Drafting-commercial (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRAFT 85 - Intermediate Computer-aided Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 111 - Fundamentals of Drawing (Lec Units: 1.5 | Lab Units: 1.5)
DRAW 21 - Engineering Drawing I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 22 - Engineering Drawing II (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 23 - Computer-Aided Drafting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 23A - Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 23B - CADD (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 24 - CADD II (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DRAW 24A - Industrial Tech. Drawing 1 (CADD 2D) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 24B - Industrial Technology Drawing I (CADD 2D) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRAW 24C - Industrial Technology Drawing I (CADD 2D) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
DRAW 25 - Industrial Tech. Drawing II (CADD 3D) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
DRFT 50 - Technical Drafting I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRFT 55 - Basic Architectural Plan Drawing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DRFT 60 - Mechanical Drafting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
DRFT 65 - Introduction to AUTOCAD (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
DT 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
DT 112 - Drafting Fundamentals and Theory Design (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 121 - Basic Auto-CAD 2-D Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 122 - Machine Drafting Using Auto-CAD (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 211 - Basic Auto-cad 2-d and 3-d Application (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 212 - Architectural Drafting and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 221 - Building Technology and Utilities (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 222 - CAD Architectural Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 223 - Construction Estimates and Scale Modeling (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
DT 311 - Graphics / Commercial Arts w/ Computer Application (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
EAPS 503 - Advanced Power Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 55 - Electronics I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 55A - Material Science and Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 60 - Electronics I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60A - Electronics II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60B - Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60B LAB - Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60B LEC - Electronics 1: Electronic Devices and Circuits (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 60C - Electronics 1 (Electronic Devices and Circuits) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60C LAB - Electronics 1 (Electronic Devices and Circuits) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 60C LEC - Electronics 1 (Electronic Devices and Circuits) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 65 - Electronics II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 75 - Principles of Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 75 LAB - Principles of Communication (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 75 LEC - Principles of Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 80A - Communications 1 (Principles of Communication Systems) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECEN 85 - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 85 LAB - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ECEN 85 LEC - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECOL 1 - Introduction to Ecology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ECOL 50 - Ecology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ECON 1 - General Economics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 1A - Basic Economics (w/ Taxation & Land Reform) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 2 - General Economics with TAR (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 23 - Basic Microeconomics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 24 - Microeconomics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 24A - International Trade and Agreements (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 3 - General Economics w/ TAR (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 3A - General Economics with TLR (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 3B - General Economics w/ Land Reform and Taxation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ECON 3C - Basic Economics w/ TLR (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 21 - Field Study 1 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 21A - Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching -Learning in Actual School Environment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 21B - Field Study 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 22 - Field Study 2 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 22A - Field Study 2 - Participation and Teaching Assistantship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 22B - Field Study 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 23 - Field Study 3 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 23A - Teaching Internship (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 23B - Practice Teaching (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 24 - Field Study 4 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 25 - Field Study 5 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 26 - Field Study 6 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 27 - Practice Teaching (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
EDFS 421 - Practice Teaching (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
EDTC 21 - Introduction to Educational Technology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDTC 21A - Educational Technology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDTC 22 - Instructional Media Resources (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 100 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation with Emphasis on Trainers Methodology II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 105 - Technology Research 1 (Methods of Research) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 110 - Technology Research II (Undergraduate Thesis/Research Paper/Research Project) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 115 - Work-based Learning with Emphasis on Trainers’ Methodology I and II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 197 - Competency Appraisal 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 198 - Competency Appraisal 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 31 - Intro to Educational Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 311 - Adolescent Psychology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 312 - Social Dimensions of Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 313 - Facilitating Learning (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 313A - Adolescent Psychology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 314 - Principles of Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 314A - Social Dimensions of Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 315 - Educational Technology 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 315A - Facilitating Learning (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 316 - Assessment of Student Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 316A - Principles of Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 317 - Field Study 1 - 3 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 317A - Educational Technology 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 318 - Assessment of Student Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 319 - Field Srudy 1-3 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 32 - Guidance & Counseling (including Intro to Special Education) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 33 - Non-formal Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 35 - Seminar In Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 37 - Child and Adolescent Development (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 38 - Facilitating Learning (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 39 - The Teaching Profession (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 40 - Social Dimensions of Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 41 - Community Immersion (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 411 - The Teaching Profession Incl. Code of Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 411A - The Teaching Profession incl. Code of Teachings (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 412 - Strategies of Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 413 - Educational Technology 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 414 - Curriculum Development Incl. Project Development. (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 415 - Assessment of Students Learning 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 416 - Career Guidance and Counselling (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 417 - Field Study 4 - 6 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 418 - Special Research Project (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 421 - Practice Teaching (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 42A - Thesis Writing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 42B - Thesis Writing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 50 - Child and Adolescent Learner & Learning Principles (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 55 - The Teaching Profession (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 60 - The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 60A - The Teacher and The Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership with focus on the Philippine TVET System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 65 - Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 70 - Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 75 - Assessment in Learning I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 75A - The Andragogy of Learning including Principles of Trainers Methodology 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 80 - the Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 80A - Assessment in Learning 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 80B - Assesment in Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 85 - Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 85A - Technology for Teaching and Learning I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 85B - Assessment in Learning 2 with focus on Trainers Methodology I and II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 90 - The Teacher and the School Curriculum (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 90A - Technology for Teaching and Learning I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 95 - Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 95A - Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum with Emphasis on the 21st Century Skills (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 99A - Seminar I (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 99B - Seminar 2 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EDUC 99C - Seminar 3 (Teaching in a Multicultural Classroom) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EEC 301 - Circuits I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EEC 302 - Circuits 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EECS 401 - Control Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EED 415 - Electrical Equipment and Devices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEE 302 - Engineering Economy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEEMM 413 - Electrical Machines (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EEIM 412 - Instrumentation and Measurements (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEIME 412 - Instrumentation & Measurements (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EELX 321 - Electronics 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EELX 401 - Electronics 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EELX 412 - Principles of Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EELX 422 - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEM 314 - Electromagnetics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEMN 402 - Engineering Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 100 - AC Machinery (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 100 LAB - AC Machinery (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 100 LEC - AC Machinery (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 100A - Fundamentals of Power Plant Engineering Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 101 - Solary Energy (Professional Elective 1) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 101A - EE Elective 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 101B - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 105 - EE Laws, Contracts and Ethics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 105A - Distribution System and Substation Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 105A LAB - Distribution System and Substation Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 105A LEC - Distribution System and Substation Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 106 - High Rise Building Design (Professional Elective 2) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 106A - EE Elective 2 - Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 110 - Electrical System Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 110 LAB - Electrical System Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 110 LEC - Electrical System Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 110A - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 110A LAB - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 110A LEC - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 111 - Power System Market Operation (Prof. Elective 3) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 115 - EE Safety (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 115A - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 115A LAB - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 115A LEC - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 116 - Pneumatics and Process Control (Prof. Elective 4) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 120 - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 120 LAB - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 120 LEC - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 125 - Illumination Engineering Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 125 LAB - Illumination Engineering Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 125 LEC - Illumination Engineering Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 130 - Electrical Equipment Operation & Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 135 - Power Plant Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 135 LAB - Power Plant Engineering (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 135 LEC - Power Plant Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 140 - Electrical Transmission & Distribution System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 140 LAB - Electrical Transmission & Distribution System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 140 LEC - Electrical Transmission & Distribution System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 145 - Power System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 145 LAB - Power System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 145 LEC - Power System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 190 - Seminars and Field Trips (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 190A - Seminars / Colloquia (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 196 - EE Competency Appraisal I (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 196A - Competency Appraisal 1 : Mathematics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 197 - EE Competency Appraisal II (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 197A - Competency Appraisal 2: Engineering Science and Allied Subjects (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 198 - EE Competency Appraisal III (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 198A - Competency Appraisal 3: Electrical Engineering (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 198B - EE Competency Appraisal III (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 199A - On-the-Job Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 200 - Design Project (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 200A - Design Project (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 200B - Design Project (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 200C - EE Design Project 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 200D - EE Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 50 - Electrical Engineering as a Discipline (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 50A - Chemistry for Engineering (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 50B - Electrical Engineering as a Discipline (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 50C - EE Shop Practice I (Building Wiring & Design) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 55 - EE Shop Practice II (Motor Winding and Design) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 55 LEC - Electrical Circuits 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 55A - Circuits I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 55B - Electrical Circuits 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 55B LAB - Electrical Circuits 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 55B LEC - Electrical Circuits 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 60 - Circuits 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 60A - EE Laws, Codes and Professional Ethics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 60B - Electromagnetics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 65 - Circuits 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 65A - Electrical Circuits 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 65A LAB - Electrical Circuits 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 65A LEC - Electrical Circuits 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 70 - Fundamentals of Material Science & Engineering for EE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 70A - Electrical Standards and Practices (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 70B - Control System (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 75A - Electromagnetics for EE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 75B - Energy Conversion (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 75C - Electrical Machines 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 80 - Circuits 3 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 80 LAB - Circuits III (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 80 LEC - Circuits III (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 80A - Electrical Machines 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 80A LAB - Electrical Machines 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 80A LEC - Electrical Machines 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 85 - Control System Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 85 LAB - Control System Analysis (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 85 LEC - Control System Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 85A - Electrical Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 85A LAB - Electrical Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 85A LEC - Electrical Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 90 - DC Machinery (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 90 LAB - DC Machinery (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 90 LEC - DC Machinery (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 90A - Electrical System and Illumination Engineering Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
EENG 95 - AC Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 95 LAB - AC Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 95 LEC - AC Apparatus and Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EENG 95A - Power System Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 95A LAB - Power System Analysis (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
EENG 95A LEC - Power System Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EEPS 414 - Power Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EER 501 - Review Gen. Engineering/ Appraisal II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EER 511 - Review Electrical Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EESD 501 - Electrical System Design 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
EESD 502 - Electrical System Design 2 (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
EESE 301 - Safety Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
EESE 502 - Intro to Software Engineering (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EICS 502 - Illumination and Cost Estimate (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELAN 21A - French (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELAN 21B - Mandarin (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELAN 21C - Elementary Spanish (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELCE 501 - EE Laws, Contracts and Ethics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 1 - Distribution Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 100 - Programmable Electronic Control (PEC) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 100A - Instrumentation and Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 100A LAB - Instrumentation and Controls (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 100A LEC - Instrumentation and Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 105 - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 105A - Transmission and Distribution System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 105A LAB - Transmission and Distribution System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 105A LEC - Transmission and Distribution System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
ELEC 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
ELEC 2 - International Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 200A - ELEC Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 200B - ELEC Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEC 3 - E-Commerce & Internet Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 4 - Service Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 50 - Basic Electricity (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 50A - Electrical Principles I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 50A LAB - Electrical Principles I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 50A LEC - Electrical Principles I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 50B - Electrical Wiring Systems and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 50B LAB - Electrical Wiring Systems and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 50B LEC - Electrical Wiring Systems and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 55 - Basic Electronics I (Active Devices) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 55A - Electronics Principles (Active and Passive Components) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 55A LAB - Electronics Principles (Active and Passive Components) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 55A LEC - Electronics Principles (Active and Passive Components) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 55B - Occupational Health and Safety Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 60 - Building Wiring Electricity (BWE) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 60A - Building Wiring Installation and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 60A LAB - Building Wiring Installation and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 60A LEC - Building Wiring Installation and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 60B - Single Phase/three Phase System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 65 - Basic Electronics II (Passive Devices) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 65A - Philippine Electrical Code (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 65A LAB - Philippine Electrical Code (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 65A LEC - Philippine Electrical Code (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 65B - AC/DC Control System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEC 70 - Electrical Equipments I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 70A - Solar Electric Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 70A LAB - Solar Electric Design and Installation (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 70A LEC - Solar Electric Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 70B - Industrial Electronics with PLC Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 70B LAB - Industrial Electronics with PLC Application (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 70B LEC - Industrial Electronics with PLC Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 75 - Electronic Devices Application I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 75A - Signal & Communication System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 75A LAB - Signal & Communication System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 75A LEC - Signal & Communication System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 75B - Green Technology (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEC 75B LAB - Green Technology (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEC 75B LEC - Green Technology (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 80 - Electrical Equipments II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 80A - Electrical Equipment (singe/three phase motors) Transformers and Generators (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 80A LAB - Electrical Equipment (singe/three phase motors) Transformers and Generators (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 80A LEC - Electrical Equipment (Single/Three Phase motors) Transformers and Generators (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 85 - Electronic Devices Application II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 85A - Illumination and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 85A LAB - Illumination and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 85A LEC - Illumination and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 90 - Electrical DC Motors Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 90A - AC & DC Industrial Motor Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 90A LAB - AC & DC Industrial Motor Controls (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEC 90A LEC - AC & DC Industrial Motor Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEC 95 - AC Motor Controls (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 95A - Power Production & Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 95A LAB - Power Production & Management System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEC 95A LEC - Power Production & Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELECTIVE 1 - Graphics and Animation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELECTIVE 2 - Web Design and Programming (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 80 - Basic Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 100 - Microprocessors & Microcomputer (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 100A - Programmable Controller Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 100A LAB - Programmable Controller Application (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 100A LEC - Programmable Controller Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 105 - Industrial Instrumentation & Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 105A - Industrial Robotics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 105A LAB - Industrial Robotics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 105A LEC - Industrial Robotics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 199B - Supervised Industrial Training 1 (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 199C - Supervised Industrial Training 2 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
ELEX 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
ELEX 200A - ELEX Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 200B - ELEX Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEX 50 - Basic Carpentry and Mechanical Trades (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 50A - Electronics Devices, Instrument and Circuit (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 50A LAB - Electronics Devices, Instrument and Circuit (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 50A LEC - Electronics Devices, Instrument and Circuit (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 50B - Electronically Controlled Domestic Household Appliance and Audio-Video System Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 50B LAB - Electronically Controlled Domestic Household Appliance and Audio-Video System Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 50B LEC - Electronically Controlled Domestic Household Appliance and Audio-Video System Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 55 - Basic Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 55A - Electronics Design and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 55A LAB - Electronics Design and Fabrication (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 55A LEC - Electronics Design and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 55B - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 60 - Basic Sheet Metal and Benchwork (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 60A - Electronics Communication I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 60A LAB - Electronics Communication I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 60A LEC - Electronics Communication I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 60B - Digital Electronics and Computer Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 65 - Basic Electronics II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 65A - Semiconductor Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 65A LAB - Semiconductor Devices (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 65A LEC - Semiconductor Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 65C - Power Electronics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEX 70 - Analog and Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 70A - Electronics Communication 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 70A LAB - Electronics Communication 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 70A LEC - Electronics Communication 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 70B - Instrumentation and Process Control with Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 75 - Audio Amplifier (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 75A - Advanced Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 75A LAB - Advanced Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 75A LEC - Advanced Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 75B - Green Technology (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ELEX 80 - Basic Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 80A - Instrumentation and Process Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 80A LAB - Instrumentation and Process Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 80A LEC - Instrumentation and Process Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 85 - Basic Communication II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 85A - Sensor and Interfacing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 85A LAB - Sensor and Interfacing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 85A LEC - Sensor and Interfacing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 90 - Audio and Video Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 90A - Microprocessor and Interfacing Techniques (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 90A LAB - Microprocessor and Interfacing Techniques (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
ELEX 90A LEC - Microprocessor and Interfacing Techniques (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELEX 95 - Computer Servicing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 95A - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 95A LAB - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ELEX 95A LEC - Industrial Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ELX 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
ELX 112 - Basic Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELX 113 - Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELX 121 - Power Electronics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ELX 122 - Electronically-Controlled Domestic Household Appliances Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ELX 211 - Audio System Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ELX 212 - Cellular Phone Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ELX 221 - Video System Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ELX 222 - Instrumentation and Process Control (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ELX 311 - Instrumentation Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
ELX 312 - Industrial Automation and Control Electronics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
EM 301 - Engineering Mechanics (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
EM 302 - Mechanics/strength of Materials (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EMEC 402 - Electrochemical Energy Conversion (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
ENCS 33 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENCS 35 - Technopreneurship 101 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 3 - Developmental Reading (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 1 - Study and Thinking Skills in English (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 100 - Teaching of Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 105 - Creative Writing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 105A - Creative Writing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 110 - Mythology and Folklore (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 110A - Mythology and Folklore (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 111 - English for Study & Thinking Skills (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 115 - Campus Journalism (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 120 - Remedial Instruction in English (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 121 - Oral Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 125 - Structure of English Language (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 130 - English for Special Purposes (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 135 - Speech and Stage Art (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 140 - Introduction to Stylistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 145 - Translation and Editing of Text (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 1A - Study and Thinking Skills (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 1B - Study and Thinking Skills in English (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 2 - Writing in the Discipline (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 211 - Survey of Philippine Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 221 - Tech. Writing in the Discipline Including Fundamentals of Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 2A - Writing in the Discipline (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 3 - Developmental Reading 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 5 - Business Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 50 - Introduction to Applied Linguistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 55 - Afro-Asian Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 6 - Speech Communication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 60 - Language and Literature Assesment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 60A - The Teaching of Speaking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 65 - Literary Criticism (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 7 - Scientific and Technical Writing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 70 - Language Curriculum for Secondary School (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 75 - English And American Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 7A - Scientific Reporting and Thesis Writing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGL 80 - The Teaching of Speaking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 80A - Language and Literature Assessment (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 85 - The Teaching of Listening And Reading (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 90 - Language Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGL 95 - Preparation of Evaluation of Instructional Material (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENGS 29 - Applied Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
ENGS 33 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 1 - Earth and Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 23 - Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 24B - Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 25 - Fundamentals of Deformable Bodies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 26 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 26A - Fluid Mechanics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 26B - Fluid Mathematics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 28A - Basic Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 29 - Applied Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
ENSC 30 - Engineering Economy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 31 - Engineering Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 32 - Engineering Economics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 32B - Environmental Sciences & Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 33 - Engineering Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 33A - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 33B - Technopreneurship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENSC 35 - Technoprenuership 101 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ENTREP - Entrepreneurship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
EPPD 504 - Power Plant Design (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ES 301 - Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ET 1 - Fundamentals of Electricity (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ET 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
ET 112 - Fundamentals of Electricity (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ET 113 - Electrical & Electronics Circuit & Devices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ET 121 - Electrical Wiring System & Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
ET 122 - Signal & Communication System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 123 - Industrial Motor Controller (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 211 - DC Machine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 212 - AC Machine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
ET 213 - Logic Circuit Controller (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 221 - Industrial Electronics Circuits and Devices (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 222 - Pneumatic and Hydraulic Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 223 - PLC System and Programming (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
ET 311 - Industrial Process Controller (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 312 - Automation Control System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ET 313 - PLC System and Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ETRP 101 - Entrepreneurial Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 111 - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 111 LAB - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 111 LEC - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 121 - Advanced Dress Designing and Construction of Formal Dress (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 121 LAB - Advanced Dress Designing and Construction of Formal Dress (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 121 LEC - Advanced Dress Designing and Construction of Formal Dress (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
FAT 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
FAT 200A - FAT Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
FAT 200B - FAT Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
FAT 211 - Dress Accessories, Trimmings, Decoration & Construction of Filipino Costumes (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 211 LAB - Dress Accessories, Trimmings, Decoration & Construction of Filipino Costumes (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 211 LEC - Dress Accessories, Trimmings, Decoration & Construction of Filipino Costumes (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 212 - Tailoring & Construction of Unisex Garment (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 212 LAB - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garment (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 212 LEC - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garment (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 311 - Fitting Problems & Garments Alterations (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 311 LAB - Fitting Problems & Garments Alterations (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 311 LEC - Fitting Problems & Garments Alterations (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FAT 312 - Mass Production and Technique of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 312 LAB - Mass Production and Technique of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 4)
FAT 312 LEC - Mass Production and Technique of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
FGAT 50 - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FGAT 50 LAB - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
FGAT 50 LEC - Pattern Drafting, Casual Dress Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FGAT 55 - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FGAT 60 - Advanced Dress Designing and Construction of Formal Dress (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FGAT 65 - Dress Accessories Trimmings Decoration and Constructions Filipino Customes (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
FGAT 70 - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garments (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FGAT 70 LAB - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garments (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
FGAT 70 LEC - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garments (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FGAT 75 - Mass Production & Techniques of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
FGAT 75 LAB - Mass Production & Techniques of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
FGAT 75 LEC - Mass Production & Techniques of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 1 - Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 111 - Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 1A - Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 2 - Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 211 - Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Ibat Ibang Disiplina (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 221 - Retorika (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 2A - Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba't-ibang Disiplina (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 3 - Masining na Pagpapahayag (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 6 - Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 7 - Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Pananaliksik (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FILI 8 - Masining na Pagpapahayag (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FITT 1 - Movement Enhancement (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FITT 2 - Fitness Exercises (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FITT 2A - Movement Enhancement (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FITT 3 - Physical Activities Towards Health and Fitness 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FITT 4 - Physical Activities Towards Health and Fitness 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
FSM 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
FSM 112 - Food Selection and Preparation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 113 - Meal Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 121 - Basic Baking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 122 - Basic Baking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 211 - Advance Baking (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 212 - Food Processing, Packaging & Labeling (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 221 - Cafeteria and Catering Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 221A - International Cuisine (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 222 - Quantity Cookery (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
FSM 222A - Quantity Cookery (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 223 - Bartending and Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
FSM 311 - Cafeteria and Catering Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 311A - Cafeteria & Catering Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 312 - Bartending and Bar Service Mangement (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 312A - Bartending & Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
FSM 50 - Food, Beverages, Bartending and Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FSM 55 - Occupational Health and Safety Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
FSM 60 - Quantity Cookery, Bread and Pastry Production (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FSM 65 - Cafeteria and Catering Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
FSM 70 - Advanced Baking (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
FSM 75 - International Cuisine (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
GARM 100 - Garments Occupation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 105 - Dress Shop Practice (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GARM 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
GARM 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
GARM 50 - Garments Technology Shop Practice 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 55 - Basic Garment Construction and Lingerie (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GARM 60 - Garments Technology Shop Practice 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 65 - Childrens Garments (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GARM 70 - Garments Technology Shop Practice 3 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 75 - Advanced Dress Designing & Construction (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GARM 80 - Garments Technology Shop Practice 4 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 85 - Basic Tailoring (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GARM 90 - Advanced Tailoring (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GARM 95 - Commercial Job (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GFD 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
GFD 112 - Personality Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
GFD 113 - Fabric & Garment Designing Techniques (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
GFD 121 - Basic Sewing Processes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 122 - Industrial Sewing Machine Operation, Repair and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 211 - Pattern Drafting and Designing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 212 - Garments Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 221 - Mens Garments Contruction (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 222 - Advanced Garment Designing and Construction (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 223 - Pattern Grading and Maker Making (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 331 - Mass Production Techniques and Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 60 - Advanced Dress Designing and Construction of Formal Dress (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GFD 65 - Dress Accessories Trimmings Decoration and Constructions Filipino Costumes (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
GFD 70 - Tailoring and Construction of Unisex Garments (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
GFD 75 - Mass Production & Techniques of RTW Garments (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
GNED 01 - Art Appreciation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 02 - Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 03 - Mathematics in the Modern World (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 04 - Mga Babasahin Hingil sa Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 05 - Purposive Communication (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 06 - Science, Technology and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 07 - The Contemporary World (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 08 - Understanding the Self (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 09 - Life and Works of Rizal (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 09B - Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 10 - Gender and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 11 - Kontekstwalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 12 - Gender and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 12A - Dalumat ng/sa Filipino (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 13 - Retorika/Masining na Pagpapahayag (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 14 - Panitikang Panlipunan (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 15 - World Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
GNED 4 - Mga Babasahin Hingil sa Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HMPC 21 - Fundametals in Lodging Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HRML 1 - Principles of Safety, Hygiene And Sanitation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 192-3 - Front Office (360 Hours) (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 199-1 - Hotel Practicum - Housekeeping (240 Hrs) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRML 199-2 - Restaurant Practicum - F & B Operations (240 Hrs) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRML 199-3 - Hotel Practicum - Front Office (360 Hrs) (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 2 - Business Math w/ Hotel Application (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 21 - Personality Development and Public Relation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 22 - Work Ethics in Hospitaity Industry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 23 - International Cuisine (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 24 - Research 1 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 25 - Hospitality Operation Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 26 - Research 2 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 3 - Culinary Arts and Sciences (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 4 - Hospitality Facilities Planning and Design (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 5 - Tourism Planning and Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 50 - Housekeeping Procedures (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 55 - Food and Beverage Service Procedures (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRML 6 - Events Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
HRML 60 - Food and Beverage Control System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 65 - Banquet Functions and Catering Service Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRML 70 - Baking and Pastry Production (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRML 75 - Front Office Procedures (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRML 80 - Room Division Management Control System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HRML199-3B - Hotel Practicum - Front Office (4 Units) (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 50 - Food Beverages, Bartending and Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRSM 50 LAB - Food Beverages, Bartending and Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
HRSM 50 LEC - Food Beverages, Bartending and Bar Set-up (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 55 - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 60 - Quantity Cookery, Bread and Pastry Production (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRSM 60 LEC - Quantity Cookery, Bread and Pastry Production (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 65 - Cafeteria and Catering Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRSM 65 LEC - Cafeteria and Catering Management (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 70 - Event Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HRSM 70 LAB - Event Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
HRSM 70 LEC - Event Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
HRSM 75 - Housekeeping and Front Office Procedures (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HRSM 75 LAB - Housekeeping and Front Office Procedures (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
HRSM 75 LEC - Housekeeping and Front Office Procedures (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
HUM 211 - Logic (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 1 - Art Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 10 - Introduction to Philosophy Ang Logic (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 11 - Music, Arts Education and Appreciation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 12 - Philosophy of Man (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 1A - Art Education (with Introduction to Design) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 4 - Literature, Man and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 5 - Art, Man and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 6 - Social Philosophy I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 6A - Social Philosophy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HUMN 9 - Logic (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
HVACR 100 - Introduction to Marine Hvac-r System Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
HVACR 112 - Instrumentation and Control Devices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 113 - Domestic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (DOMRAC) Electrical Circuits (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 121 - Domestic Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning (DOMRAC) Systems Service Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 122 - Soldering, Welding, & Joining Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 200 - RAC Design Project 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 211 - Commercial Refrigeration Equipment (CRE) Installation and Maintenance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 212 - Package Air-Conditioning Unit (PACU) Installation and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 221 - Mobile Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 222 - Refrigeration Plant Designing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 223 - Air Handling Units Installation, Service and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 311 - Heat Pump Operation (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 312 - Ancillary Equipment Service and Repair (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
HVACR 50 - Refrigeration Principles (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HVACR 55 - Basic Electricity, Welding, Brazing and Soldering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 90 - PACU System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HVACR 95 - PACU System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
HVACR 95A - Special Refrigeration and Transport Refrigeration System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
HYDR 401 - Hydraulics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
IIM 1 - Industry Immersion 1 (270 Hrs) (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
IIM 2 - Industry Immersion 2 (540 Hrs) (Lec Units: 10 | Lab Units: 0)
IIM 2 - 1 - Industry Immersion 2 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 21 - Introduction to Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 21A - Introduction to Industrial Technology (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 21B - Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 22 - Elementary Project Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 22A - Basic Occupational Health and Safety (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 22B - Digital Electronics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 23 - Advanced Project Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 23A - Programmable Controls (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 24 - Design of Industrial Products (CADD) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 24A - Pneumatics and Hydraulics (P&H) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
INDT 25 - Fundamentals of Research/Feasibility Study (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 25A - Intellectual Property Rights (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 26 - Human Behavior in an Organization (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 26A - Human Resource Management for Technology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 27 - Work Ethics with Labor Code (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 27A - Materials and Business Technology Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 28 - Seminar on Special Topics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 28A - Industrial Organization and Management Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 29 - Technical Feasibility Study I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 29A - Quality Control (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 30 - Industrial Supervision and Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 30A - Production Technology Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 31 - Production Planning and Control Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INDT 32 - Technical Feasibility Study 2 (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
INED 301 - Observation & Participation in Teaching (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INED 40 - Observation & Participation in Teaching and FS 1-5 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INED 401 - Student Teaching (Lec Units: 12 | Lab Units: 0)
INED 402B - Thesis Writing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
INED 41 - Student Teaching and FS 6 (Lec Units: 12 | Lab Units: 0)
INSY 50 - Fundamentals of Information Systems (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
INSY 55 - Systems Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
INSY 55 LAB - System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
INSY 55 LEC - System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 1 - Computer Concepts (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 100 - Information Assurance and Security 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 100 LAB - Information Assurance and Security 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 100 LEC - Information Assurance and Security 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 101 - E-Commerce (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 101 LAB - E-Commerce (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 101 LEC - E-Commerce (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 101A - Human Computer Interaction 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 101A LAB - Human Computer Interaction 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 101A LEC - Human Computer Interaction 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 105 - Network Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 105 LAB - Network Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 105 LEC - Network Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 106 - System Security (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 106 LAB - System Security (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 106 LEC - System Security (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 106A - Web System and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 106A LAB - Web System and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 106A LEC - Web System and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 110 - Systems Administration and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 110 LAB - Systems Administration and Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 110 LEC - Systems Administration and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 111 - Computer System Organization and Architecture (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 111A - Integrated Programming and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 111A LAB - Integrated Programming and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 111A LEC - Integrated Programming and Technologies 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 116 - Systems Integration and Architecture 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 116 LAB - Systems Integration and Architectures 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 116 LEC - Systems Integration and Architectures 2 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 199 - Practicum Integrated Learning 2 (486 Hours) (Lec Units: 6 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 1A - Introduction to Computer Concepts and Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 1B - IT Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 1C - Computer Concepts and Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 2 - Computer Application (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 200 - Undergraduate Thesis (Part 3) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 200A - Undergraduate Thesis (Part I) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 200A-1 - Capstone Project and Research 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 200B - Undergraduate Thesis (Part 2) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 200B-1 - Capstone Project and Research 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 21 - IT Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 3 - Information and Communication Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 50 - Data Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 50A - Web System and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 50A LAB - Web System and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 50A LEC - Web System and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 55 - System Analysis and Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 55A - Platform Technologies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 55A LAB - Platform Technologies (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 55A LEC - Platform Technologies (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 60 - Multimedia System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 60A - Multimedia (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 60B - Integrated Programming and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 60B LAB - Integrated Programming and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 60B LEC - Integrated Programming and Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 65 - Advance Database Management System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 65A - Open Source Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 65A LAB - Open Source Technologies (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 65A LEC - Open Source Technologies 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 70 - Computer Graphics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 70A - Multimedia Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 70A LAB - Multimedia Systems (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 70A LEC - Multimedia Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 75 - Technopreneur (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 75A - System Integration and Architecture I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 75A LAB - System Integration and Architecture 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 75A LEC - System Integration and Architecture 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 80 - Network Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 80 LAB - Network Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 80 LEC - Network Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 80A - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 80A LAB - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 80A LEC - Introduction to Human Computer Interaction (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 80B - Human Computer Interaction (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 85 - Quality Consciousness Habits and Processes (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 85A - Information Assurance and Security 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 85A LAB - Information Assurance and Security 1 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 85A LEC - Information Assurance and Security 1 (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 85A-1 - Information Assurance and Security (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 90 - Network Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 90 LAB - Network Fundamentals (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
ITEC 90 LEC - Network Fundamentals (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
ITEC 95 - Quantitative Methods (Modelling & Simulation) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
LITT 1 - Philippine Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
LITT 1A - World Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
LITT 2 - World Literature (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 1 - Basic Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 10 - Differential Calculus (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 105 - Number Theory (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 106 - Modern Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 10A - Differential Calculus (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 11 - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 110 - Mathematical Probability (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MATH 111 - Fundamentals of Mathematics incl. College Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 111A - Fundamentals of Mathematics Incl.College Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 111B - Abstract Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 11A - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 11B - Calculus 1-Differential Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 11C - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 11D - Differential and Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 12 - Calculus 2 - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 121 - Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 125 - Instrumentation in Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 12A - Calculus 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 12B - Differential Equations (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 12C - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 13 - Differential Equations (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 135 - Mathematical Investigation and Modeling (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 14 - Engineering Data Analysis (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 140 - Seminar Technology in Math (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 145 - Research in Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 15 - Plane and Solid Geometry (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 150 - Seminar in Problem Solving in Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 155 - Calculus I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 155A - Plane Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 155B - Solid Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 160 - Calculus II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 1A - Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 2 - College Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 21B - Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 22 - Analytic Geometry w/ Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 2A - College Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 2B - Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 3 - College Algebra with Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 302 - Advanced Engineering Math (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 3A - Linear Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 4 - Plane Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 4A - Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 4B - Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 4C - Experimental Statistics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MATH 5 - Advanced Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 50 - Foundation of Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 501 - Review Mathematics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 5A - Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 5B - Plane Trigonometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 6 - Contemporary Mathematics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 6A - Advanced Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 7 - Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 7A - Introduction to Analytic Geometry (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 7B - Differential Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 8 - Introduction to Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 80 - Linear Algebra (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 80A - Linear Algebra (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 8A - Integral Calculus (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 9 - Solid Mensuration (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MATH 9B - Differential Equations (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 100 - CNC Programming and Operation (Lathe & Milling) and CAD Cam Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 100 LAB - CNC Programming and Operation (Lathe Milling) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 100 LEC - CNC Programming and Operation (Lathe Milling) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 105 - Project Study II and Industrial Machines (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 105A - Project Study (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 105A LAB - Project Study (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 105A LEC - Project Study (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
MECH 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
MECH 200A - MECH Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 200B - MECH Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
MECH 50 - Metrology, Bench Work and Drillpress I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 50A - Bench Work, Drill Press and Lathe Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 50A LAB - Bench Work, Drill Press and Lathe Work (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 50A LEC - Bench Work, Drill Press and Lathe Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 50B - Lathe Work Operation, Drilling Operation and Mechanical Autocad (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 55 - Introduction to Machine Shop and Measurement (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 55A - Introduction to MachineShop(OHASP)&Metrology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 55A LAB - Introduction to Machine Shop (OHASP) & Metrology (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 55A LEC - Introduction to Machine Shop (OHASP) & Metrology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 55B - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 60 - Sheet Metal, Electric Arc Welding and Lathe Work I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 60A - Electric Arc Welding and Milling Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 60A LAB - Electric Arc Welding and Milling Work (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 60A LEC - Electric Arc Welding and Milling Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 60B - Milling Work Operation and Abrasive Grinding Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 65 - Elementary Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 65A - Elementary Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 65A LAB - Elementary Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 65A LEC - Elementary Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 65B - Metrology and Heat Treatment Processes (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
MECH 70 - Drillpress II, Lathe Work II and Shaper Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 70A - Advanced Lathe Work and Sheet Metal Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 70A LAB - Advanced Lathe Work and Sheet Metal Work (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 70A LEC - Advanced Lathe Work and Sheet Metal Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 70B - Jigs and Fixtures Design and Making and Cnc Programming and Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 70B LAB - Jigs and Fixtures Design and Making and Cnc Programming and Operation (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 70B LEC - Jigs and Fixtures Design and Making and Cnc Programming and Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 70C - Jigs & Fixtures Design, Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) Programming Operation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 75 - Adv. Heat Treatment & Machine Shop Bench Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 75A - Advanced Heat Treatment & Machine Shop Bench Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 75A LAB - Advanced Heat Treatment & Machine Shop Bench Work (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 75A LEC - Advanced Heat Treatment & Machine Shop Bench Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 75B - 3D Modelling and Operation, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
MECH 75B LAB - 3D Modelling and Operation, Preventive and Corrective Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
MECH 75B LEC - 3D Modelling and Operation, Preventive and Correct ive Maintenance (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 80 - Milling Work & Grinding Abrasive Machining (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 80A - Advanced Milling Work & Grinding (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 80A LAB - Advanced Milling Work and Grinding (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 80A LEC - Advanced Milling Work and Grinding (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 85 - Principles of Tool and Die (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 85 LAB - Principles of Tool and Die (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 85 LEC - Principles of Tool and Die (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 90 - Industrial Planning & Maintenance, Element of Industrial Design and AutoCAD (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 90A - Auto CAD Designing and 3D Printing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 90A LAB - Auto CAD Designing and 3D Printing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
MECH 90A LEC - Auto CAD Designing and 3D Printing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MECH 95 - Project Study I (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 95A - Industrial Planning and Maintenance, Elements of Industrial Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 95A LAB - Industrial Planning and Maintenance, Elements of Industrial Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
MECH 95A LEC - Industrial Planning and Maintenance, Elements of Industrial Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
MICR 1 - General Microbiology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
MICR 1A - General Microbiology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MICR 1B - Microbiology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 2)
MKTG 102 - Franchising (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 103 - E-Commerce and Internet Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 21 - Principles of Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 50 - Marketing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 50A - Consumer Behavior (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 55 - Product Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 55A - Market Research (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 60 - Product and Service Promotions (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 60A - Product Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 65 - Distribution Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 65A - Retail Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 70 - Strategic Marketing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 70A - Advertising (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 75 - Retail Magement (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 75A - Professional Salesmanship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 80 - Professional Salesmanship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 80A - Marketing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 85 - Special Topics in Marketing Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MKTG 90 - International Marketing (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 1 - Principles of Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 21A - Concepts and Dynamics of Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 22 - Human Behavior in Organization (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 22A - Human Behavior in Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 23 - Intro to Quantitaive Approaches to Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 24 - Human Resource Management (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MNGT 25 - Social Responsibility and Good Governance (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MSCI 301 - Material Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
MT 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
MT 112 - Basic Machine Tools (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 113 - Bench Work (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 121 - Lathe Machine Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 122 - Metrology (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 123 - Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 124 - Milling Machine Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 211 - Grinding Machine Operations (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 212 - Auto-Cad Mechanical (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 213 - Tools and Die Making (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 221 - Blueprint Reading (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 222 - Corrective and Preventive Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 223 - Applied Mechanical Mathematics (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 224 - Electrically Discharge Machining (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 312 - Jigs and Fixtures, Tool and Die Designing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
MT 313 - CAD-CAM (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
NASC 2 - Biological Science with Laboratory (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
NATSCI 111 - Biological Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
NATSCI 121 - Earth Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
NATSCI 2 - Biological Science w/ Laboratory (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
NATSCI 211 - Elective (Chemistry or Physics) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
NPE 501 - Nuclear Power Engineering (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
NSTP 1 - National Service Training Program I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
NSTP 2 - National Service Training Program II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - Practicum (200 HRS) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT AT - On the Job Training (4 Units) (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT (AT) - On-the-Job-Training (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT (BSIT) - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - ACT - ACT Practicum (150 HRS) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - AT - On the Job Training 2 Units (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - CPE - On-the-Job Training (240 Hrs) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - CS - On the Job Training - 2 Units (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - DHRM - On the Job Training (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - EE - On-the-Job Training (240 Hrs) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT - HRM - OJT - 1 Unit (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT 115 - On-the-job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT 401 - On-the-job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT 402 - On-the-job-training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT AT - On the Job Training (1 Unit) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT BM - On the Job Training (1 Unit) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT BSBM - On the Job Training (5 Units) (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT BSINFO - On the Job Training (1 Unit) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT _AT - On-the-job-training (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT-BSCS - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT-EE - On the Job Training (240 Hrs) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
OJT-INFO - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
ORNT 1 - Institutional Orientation (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
ORNT 2 - Career Orientation (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
PE 111 - Self-testing Activities (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PE 121 - Rhythmic Activities (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PE 211 - Fundamentals of Games & Sports (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PE 221 - Recreational Activities for College Students (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHED 1 - Physical Fitness & Aerobics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHED 1A - Educational Gymnastics & Physical Fitness (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHED 2 - Rhythmic Activities (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHED 3 - Individual/Dual Sports (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHED 4 - Team Sports (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
PHSC 1 - Physical Science Including Earth Science (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
PHSC 50 - Earth and Environmental Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
PHY 302 - Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
PHYS 14 - Physics for Engineers (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 14 LAB - Physics for Engineers (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 14 LEC - Physics for Engineers (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
PHYS 1A - Mechanics and Heat (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 1B - Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 2A - Wave, Electromagnetism, Sounds and Light (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 2B - Wave, Electromagnetism, Sound and Light (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
PHYS 50 - Physics for Health Sciences (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 100 - Principles & Application of Absorption System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 100A - Introduction to Marine HVAC-R System Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 100A LAB - Introduction to Marine HVAC-R System Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 100A LEC - Introduction to Marine HVAC-R System Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 105 - Special Refrigeration System (Principles, Application Service and Repair) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 105 LEC - Special Refrigeration System (Principles, Application Service and Repair) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 105A LAB - Special Refrigeration System Application and Retrofitting (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 105A LEC - Special Refrigeration System Application and Retrofitting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 105B - Special Refrigeration System Application and Retrofitting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 110A - Body Repair, Painting and Air Distribution and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 110A LAB - Body Repair, Painting and Air Distribution and Fabrication (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 110A LEC - Body Repair, Painting and Air Distribution and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 199A - Supervised Industrial Training I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
RAC 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
RAC 200A - RAC Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 200B - RAC Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
RAC 50 - Principles of Electricity (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 50A - Refrigeration Principles (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 50A LAB - Refrigeration Principles (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 50A LEC - Refrigeration Principles (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 55 - Basic Tools and Testing Equipment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 55A - Basic Electricity, Welding, Brazing, and Soldering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 55A LAB - Basic Electricity, Welding, Brazing, and Soldering (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 55A LEC - Basic Electricity, Welding, Brazing, and Soldering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 60 - Principles of Refrigiration (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 60A - Domrac Components and Circuitry Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 60A LAB - Domrac Components and Circuitry Design (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 60A LEC - Domrac Components and Circuitry Design (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 65 - Advance Test Equipment, Basic Controls and Troubleshooting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 65A - Domrac System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 65A LAB - Domrac System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 65A LEC - Domrac System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 70 - Fundamentals of Airconditioning (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 70A - PACU System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 70A LAB - PACU System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 70A LEC - PACU System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 75 - Airconditioning Installation and Troubleshooting (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 75A - PACU System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 75A LAB - PACU System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 75A LEC - PACU System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 80 - Winding and Rewinding of Motors (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 80A - MOBILE Airconditioning System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 80A LAB - Mobile Airconditioning System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 80A LEC - Mobile Airconditioning System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 80B - MOBILE Airconditioning System (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 85 - Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting Technique (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 85A - MOBILE System Trouble Shooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 85A LAB - Mobile System Trouble Shooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 85A LEC - Mobile System Trouble Shooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 90 - Principles and Applications of Commercial Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 90A - CRE Operation, Absorption System and Principles (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 90A LAB - CRE Operation, Absorption System and Principles (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 90A LEC - CRE Operation, Absorption System and Principles (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 90B - Pacu System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 90B LEC - PACU System Design and Installation (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 90C - CRE Operation, Absorption System and Principles (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
RAC 95 - Installation & Service & Repair of Commercial System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 95A - Pacu System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
RAC 95A LEC - PACU System Troubleshooting and Maintenance (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RAC 95B - Special Refrigeration and Transport Refrigeration System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 95B LAB - Special Refrigeration and Transport Refrigeration System (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
RAC 95B LEC - Special Refrigeration and Transport Refrigeration System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
RESIDENCY - Residency (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 0)
SAMP 1A - Sample Programming (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SCIE 50 - History and Philosophy of Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SHWO 11 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SHWO 11A - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 4 | Lab Units: 4)
SHWO 12 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SHWO 201 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 5)
SHWO 21 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SHWO 22 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SHWO 31 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 5)
SHWO 32 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 5)
SHWO 401 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 3)
SHWO 41 - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 5)
SHWO 41A - Major in Shopwork (Lec Units: 5 | Lab Units: 3)
SITR 01 - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SMEE 502 - Seminar and Field Tips (practicum) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
SMT 100 - Advanced Welding Process/Marine Welding II (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 105 - Technology VI (Inspection & Quality Control & Preventive Maintenance) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMT 110 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
SMT 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
SMT 50 - Marine Engineering (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 55 - Seamanship (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMT 60 - Internal Combustion Engine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 65 - Ethics Seamanship (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMT 70 - Basic Safety/SOLAS-Safety of Life at Sea (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 75 - Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMT 80 - Machinery Common to All Engine Room (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 85 - Power Plant Electricity-(A/E) Auxilliary Engine (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMT 90 - Marine Welding I (Intermediate Welding Process) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMT 95 - Technology V (Pattern Development) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 100 - Marine Power Plant (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 100 LAB - Marine Power Plant (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 100 LEC - Marine Power Plant (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 105 - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 105 LAB - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 105 LEC - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
SMTE 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
SMTE 200A - SMTE Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 200B - SMTE Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
SMTE 50 - Machine Shop I / Engineering Materials (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 50 LAB - Machine Shop I / Engineering Materials (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 50 LEC - Machine Shop I / Engineering Materials (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 55 - Manual Arc Welding (SMAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 55 LAB - Manual Arc Welding (SMAW) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 55 LEC - Manual Arc Welding (SMAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 60 - Internal Combustion Engine (Diesel Engine) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 60 LAB - Internal Combustion Engine (Diesel Engine) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 60 LEC - Internal Combustion Engine (Diesel Engine) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 65 - Engine Maintenance and Auxillary Machinery (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 65 LAB - Engine Maintenance and Auxillary Machinery (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 65 LEC - Engine Maintenance and Auxillary Machinery (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 70 - Marine Automation Mechanics and Hydromechanism (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 70 LAB - Marine Automation Mechanics and Hydromechanism (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 70 LEC - Marine Automation Mechanics and Hydromechanism (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 75 - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 75 LAB - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 75 LEC - Instrumentation and Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 80 - Marine Refrigeration and HVAC (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 80 LAB - Marine Refrigeration and HVAC (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 80 LEC - Marine Refrigeration and HVAC (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 85 - Electro Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 85 LAB - Electro Technology (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 85 LEC - Electro Technology (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 90 - Principles & Application of Commercial Systems (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 90A - Marine Welding I (Intermediate Welding Process) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 90B - Machine Shop 2 (Engine Lathe Processes) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 90B LAB - Machine Shop 2 (Engine Lathe Processes) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
SMTE 90B LEC - Machine Shop 2 (Engine Lathe Processes) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SMTE 95 - Installation Service & Repair of Commercial System (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 95A - Technology V (Pattern Development) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 95B - Machine Shop 3 (Milling Machine Operation) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 95B LAB - Machine Shop 3 (Milling Machine Operation) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
SMTE 95B LEC - Machine Shop 3 (Milling Machine Operation) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCP 1 - Intro to Social Philosophy with Human Rights Concepts (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCP 2 - General and Professional Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCSCI 111 - General Psychology Incl. Population Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCSCI 121 - Basic Eco. w/ TAR, Entrep. and Work Ethics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCSCI 211 - Politics & Governance w/ Phil. Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCSCI 221 - Philippine History (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOCSCI 222 - Life and Works of Rizal (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 1 - Society and Culture (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 12 - Cultural Antropology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 1A - Society and Culture w/ Family Planning (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 1B - Society and Culture (with Family Planning and Population Education) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 2 - General Psychology w/ Drug Education (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 2A - General Psychology (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 2B - Introduction to Behavioral Science (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 3 - Phil. History, Geography and Institutions (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 4 - Philippine History, Government, Politics & Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 4A - Philippine History (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 5 - Philippine Politics, Goverment and Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 5A - Phil. Government Politics and The Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 5B - Phil. Government, Politics and the New Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 5C - Phil. Government Politics and the Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 5D - Politics & Governance with Phil. Constitution (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 6 - Life and Works of Rizal (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
SOSC 6A - Rizals Life, Works and Writings (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
STAS 1 - Science, Technology and Society (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
STAT 1 - Elementary Statistics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
STAT 2 - Probability and Statistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
STAT 2A - Applied Statistics (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
STAT 3 - Biostatistics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
STAT 3A - Biostat (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
STAT 4 - Advanced Statistics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
TAXN 21 - Taxation (Income and Taxation) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TEAC 1 - Principles of Teaching 1 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TEAC 21 - Principles of Teaching I (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TEAC 22 - Principles of Teaching 2 (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TECH 1 - Electrical Processes (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TETL 01 - Technology for Teaching and Learning II (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
THMC 50 - Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
THMC 55 - Risk Management As Applied to Safety, Security and Sanitation (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 01 - Introduction to IA (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 02 - HE Literacy (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 03 - Teaching ICT as an Exploratory Course (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 04 - Introduction to AFA (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 05 - Entrepreneurship (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 06 - Teaching Common Competencies in IA (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 07 - Teaching Common Competencies in HE (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 08 - Teaching Common Competencies in ICT (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TLEP 09 - Teaching Common Competencies in AFA (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TVED 50 - the Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
TVED 55 - The Teaching Profession (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
WAF 100 - Welding Plant Supervision and Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 105 - Planning and Costing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAF 110 - On-the-Job-Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
WAF 115 - On-the-Job Training (Lec Units: 10.5 | Lab Units: 0)
WAF 50 - Basic Welding Processes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 55 - Bench Metal Processes, Measurement and Shop Mathematics (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAF 60 - Intermediate Welding Processes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 65 - Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAF 70 - Advance Welding Processes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 75 - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAF 80 - Welding Design, Fabrications & Welders Qualifications (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 85 - Welding Codes, Rules, Regulations & Specification (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAF 90 - Project Design, Construction Methods and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAF 95 - Pattern Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 100 - Welding Plant Supervision and Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 100 LAB - Welding Plant Supervision and Management (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 100 LEC - Welding Plant Supervision and Management (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 105 - Planning and Costing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 105 LAB - Planning and Costing (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 105 LEC - Planning and Costing (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 199A - On-the-Job-training (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 199B - Supervised Industrial Training (240 hours) (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 199C - Supervised Industrial Training (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
WAFT 199D - Supervised Industrial Training 3 (640 hours) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 8)
WAFT 200A - WAFT Design Project I (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 200B - WAFT Design Project 2 (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
WAFT 50 - Intermediate Welding Processes and Light Metal Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 50 LAB - Intermediate Welding Processes and Light Metal Fabrication (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 50 LEC - Intermediate Welding Processes and Light Metal Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 50A - Smaw and Oxy-acetylene Welding Process (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 50B - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW) Process. Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Pattern Development & Pipe Fitting) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 50B LAB - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW) Process (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 50B LEC - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding(SMAW) Process (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 55 - Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 55 LAB - Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 55 LEC - Metallurgy and Heat Treatment (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 55A - Occupational Safety and Health Practices (Lec Units: 3 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 60 - Advance Welding Processes (SMAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 60 LAB - Advance Welding Processes (SMAW) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 60 LEC - Advance Welding Processes (SMAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 60A - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Process/flux Cored Arc (FCAW) Process (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 65 - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 65 LAB - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 65 LEC - Inspection and Quality Control (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 65A - Metal Testing and Heat Treament Process, Welding Inspection and Testing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WAFT 70 - Advanced Welding Processes (GMAW-FCAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 70 LAB - Advanced Welding Processes (GMAW-FCAW) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 70 LEC - Advanced Welding Processes (GMAW-FCAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 70A - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 70A LAB - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 70A LEC - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 75 - Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 75 LAB - Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 75 LEC - Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 75A - Welding Codes Rules and Specification/Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WAFT 75A LAB - Welding Codes Rules and Specification/Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 2)
WAFT 75A LEC - Welding Design, Fabrication and Welders Qualification (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 80 - Advanced Welding Processes (GTAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 80 LAB - Advanced Welding Processes (GTAW) (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 80 LEC - Advanced Welding Processes (GTAW) (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 85 - Welding Codes, Rules and Specifications (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 85 LAB - Welding Codes, Rules and Specifications (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 85 LEC - Welding Codes, Rules and Specifications (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 90 - Project Design, Construction Method and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 90 LAB - Project Design, Construction Method and Fabrication (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 3)
WAFT 90 LEC - Project Design, Construction Method and Fabrication (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WAFT 95 - Pattern Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 95 LAB - Pattern Development (Lec Units: 0 | Lab Units: 1)
WAFT 95 LEC - Pattern Development (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 0)
WFT 111 - Occupational Health & Safety Practices (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 0)
WFT 112 - Metal Testing and Heat Treatment Processes (Lec Units: 2 | Lab Units: 1)
WFT 113 - Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Process (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WFT 121 - Oxy Acetylene Cutting and Brazing (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WFT 122 - Advance Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 3)
WFT 211 - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Process (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 3)
WFT 212 - Pattern Development (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WFT 213 - Weldment Expansion and Construction (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 1)
WFT 221 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 3)
WFT 222 - Pipe Fitting (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)
WFT 311 - Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Process (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 3)
WFT 312 - Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Process (Lec Units: 1 | Lab Units: 2)